Darkside Pre Xtreme Massacre Limited Edition Sour Watermelon Darkside Pre Xtreme Massacre Limited Edition Sour Watermelon

Darkside Pre Xtreme Massacre Limited Edition Sour Watermelon


This version of Darkside’s pre-workout Ultra Pre Xtreme is definitely a packed-out supplement and has slightly more stimulants than the regular Darkside pre-workouts. It comes with a hefty 11g of active ingredients, with features in there to increase energy, enhance mental focus, and improve pumps and performance. It is an all-around pre-workout, promising a complete and comprehensive experience.

You can see the full formula behind Darkside Ultra Pre Xtreme below, which keeps everything open and fully transparent. Some of its highlights include 4g of L-Citrulline malate per maximum serving, 300mg of Eria Jarensis, 350mg of caffeine, 3.2g of beta-alanine and 600mg Alpha GPC (50%)!



  • Extreme Energy, Shirt Splitting Pumps and Enhanced Focus
  • 300mg of Eria Jarensis for a Mood Boost and Powerful Motivation
  • Nootropics for Enhanced Focus and Mind:Muscle Connection
  • Over 11 Grams of Active Ingredients
  • All Around Preworkout to Boost Your Performance